When to Plant

by Sun Media Soft


The When to Plant app from Mother Earth News gives you the best planting times for vegetables, herbs, fruit, cover crops and common companion planting flowers. It uses a database of almost 5,000 weather stations across North America to locate average frost dates for your garden from the nearest station, and calculate the best range of planting dates for each crop.Main features:Planting dates are calculated using average frost data for your specific ZIP code, which is much more accurate than relying on the USDA Winter Hardiness Zones systemWhen to Plant can split cool-season crops into separate spring and fall planting ranges for areas that experience long growing seasons and hot summer temperatures
Full growing information for more than 120 vegetables, herbs, fruit, cover crops and companion planting flowers
For each plant, the app includes advice on the best soil type and sun requirements, sowing instructions, troubleshooting tips, and how to harvest
Multiple display options, so you can see plants listed alphabetically or by sowing month, or choose to view just what can be planted right now in your area
Create a favorites list of the plants you commonly grow for quick access to information
Easy access to National Weather Service long-range forecast maps (U.S. only)
Please note: because When to Plant uses averaged frost data to calculate planting times it it not suitable for areas with sub-tropical climates or where frost is not experienced.